How to Teach a Baby to Crawl: Step by Step Guide to Crawling

Hey there, colorful bear. You’ve landed here because you’re wondering how to teach a child to crawl. I have good advice for you: give the child time, and they will learn on their own. Forcing them into certain activities too early might only harm them. I, too, once searched the internet for such information to teach my son how to crawl. So, we are similar; perhaps we will like each other? Get to know me better. Below, you will find the text I prepared to ensure my site ranks well and that you come here before visiting somewhere else where someone might offer advice that could harm your little one. If you want, go ahead and read them, but remember, when it comes to learning to crawl, time is all that matters.

I know my Andrzej is only five weeks old and it’s a long way before he starts sitting up or crawling, but I’ve already started thinking seriously about these matters. That’s because the boy seems very energetic and very strong. He’s been lifting his head practically from the start, and now he keeps it up in the air so nicely and for so long. Additionally, he vigorously moves his legs and arms, shifts his position, and can even kick the bathtub so hard that it moves across the table. All this made me wonder when he would start crawling, sitting, and eventually walking. And then I started thinking about what I, as a father, could do to facilitate all this. Hence, another article on this topic, where I will share with you and myself how to teach a child to crawl. For now, I’m presenting purely theoretical knowledge 😉

When to Start Teaching Crawling?

It’s very hard to answer this question, and with every child, it’s definitely easier to just observe. You will certainly notice moments when your child has a clear desire to reach for a toy, for example. They will then make desperate gestures, through which you’ll understand that they dream of reaching it. The simplest way to do this is by crawling 😉

Regarding the gestures I mentioned earlier, the most common ones include supporting themselves on their hands combined with frantic leg movements. Very often, during this movement and all the nervousness, the child may even start to… move backward. And it’s exactly these types of signals you’re waiting for. Then you get to your task, which will make it easier for the child to learn to crawl.

How to Teach Crawling?

Teaching crawling is a relatively quick process, during which you can apply a method as old as time itself, based on the principle of the carrot and stick. You need to find an object (usually a toy) that your child will really want and will want to get to. You must place this object at a small distance from the child so that they can reach it. However, don’t place the object right under the child’s nose; remember, they need to crawl to it, even if it’s just 5cm away.

When you sense that the child is gathering themselves to reach for their toy, starting to support themselves on their hands and kicking their legs, you need to react quickly by sliding your hands under their feet. At this moment, your hands should serve as a support from which they can push off. And thus, your child will begin to move – to crawl. Remember, your hands are there to provide support from which the child can push off by themselves – don’t help them.

You will see that after a few tries, the child will begin to push off from any surface, and you will be running after them making sure they don’t hurt themselves. That’s how baby crawling works ;-).

Remember, in teaching a baby to crawl, it’s incredibly important that the child is motivated. If they are not, it might be difficult. Hence, the importance of the carrot, without which waiting for the child to start crawling might take a very long time!

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